Sagde farvel til kroniske smerter
Da jeg mødtes med Friedeich sidste år i maj (2018), var jeg helt nede både energimæssigt og mentalt. Jeg havde mange smerter i min højre hofte pga. slidgigt, og kunne ikke overskue ret meget.
Mit arbejdsliv som skuespiller er i perioder meget intenst og ekstra krævende, da jeg er på, og dagene på et filmset kan være lange. Så jeg havde virkelig brug for hjælp til at kunne klare mit job.
Friederich lavede 3 test på mig, en DUTCH, en Organix og en Aminosyre test, som meget præcist viser hormon niveauer, energiomsætning, og aminosyremangler.
Der var en helt fysisk forklaring på at jeg havde det så skidt, som testene viste meget præcist.
Udfra de test svar, og en god lang konsultation, fik jeg lavet et program med kosttilskud, og et aminosyrepulver designet specielt til mig, og en homøopatisk ampulkur.
Stille og roligt blev min krop bygget op igen, mit energiniveu begyndte at stige, mit nervesystem blev roligere, og mit bindevæv stærkere.
Jeg har selvfølgelig også levet meget sundt, næsten vegansk og dyrket yoga og trænet, da jeg fik overskud til det igen.
Nu her, halvandet år efter er det faktisk lidt mirakuløst hvad der er sket med min krop og mit mentale overskud.
Jeg er nærmest smertefri, og har fået et ekstra gear, og føler mig bedre tilpas i min krop end nogensinde før.
Jeg er meget taknemmelig for at Friederich og Chloe med deres kompetente viden og erfaring har kunnet hjælpe mig. Af hjertet TAK.
Anne Louise Hassing, Skuespiller
Sig farvel til rosacea
Det er helt uvirkeligt at kigge tilbage på hvad der er sket med min hud den sidste tid! Jeg har siden 2 graviditeter haft problemer med min hormonbalance i kroppen og har kæmpet en kamp med ROSACEA “from hell”!!!
Kampen er forbi og jeg vandt. Med hjælp og bedste vejledning fra Chloe har jeg testet min krop, fået en homøopatisk ampulkur hvor mine indre processer er blevet boostet og fået en stor udrensning. Den homøpatiske kur og kosttilskud har Chloe sammensat efter flere forskellige blodprøver som vi har taget og udefra svarene har vi set hvad min krop manglede. Resultatet må jeg sige er for vildt!!!! Se mere her.
Frida Hallqvist – Træningsekspert –
Looking at the body in a whole, is the way forward. We shall recognize that natural healing is expected when the body is supposed to function normally.
During my work I use these professional, and complementary analysis panels in a logical manner documenting exactly what is needed to put into a holistic treatment presentations.
I have since 2013 had a strong relationship with Currame. They are a great partners of mine, although I have been in the business for multiple years. They are both young and have the ability to inspire me also to think “out of the box”, which has been crucial in several successful treatment processes.
I am incredibly grateful and fully support the excellent cooperation we have and I look forward to a broader implementation of the organic medicine and holistic principles of diagnosis and treatment in Denmark.
Thanks in advance.
Dr. Allan Fjelstrup – Fjelstrup Private Medical Service – Specialist in internal Medicine – Herbal
Det er vejen frem, mener jeg, at vi ser på kroppen som en helhed og anerkender at naturlig helbredelse må forventes når at kroppen fungerer optimalt.
I mit daglige virke anvender jeg disse professionelle, komplementære analysepaneler, som på en logisk måde dokumenterer præcis hvad der er behov for at sætte ind i et holistisk behandlings-oplæg.
Jeg har siden 2013 samarbejdet stærkt med curra · me. De er fantastiske sparringspartnere for mig, selvom jeg har været i faget i mange år. De er unge og har evnen til at inspirere mig, også til at tænke ”out of the box”, hvilket har været afgørende i flere vellykkede behandlings-forløb .
Jeg er utrolig taknemlig for det fine samarbejde vi har og jeg ser frem til en bredere implementering af de naturmedisinske og holistiske principper i diagnostikk og behandling med min 100% støtte til konceptet som currame repræsenterer i Danmark.
På forhånd tak.
Dr. Allan Fjelstrup – Fjelstrup Private Lægeservice – Specialist i orthomolekylær medicin & naturmedicin
Fra leversyg til rask
Med fare for at jeg skriver en af de historier, jeg ikke selv kan holde ud! Da de lyder af FOR meget, eller alt FOR gode! Så vil jeg af et rent hjerte, alligevel gøre et forsøg, og håbe på at den bliver forstået i den samme ånd som den er skrevet.
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Kent Richardt, Trommeslager og billedkunstner
At the risk of writing one of those stories I cannot stand, as they sound of too much or are way too good. I will give it a try and hopefully readers will understand my story with its intended spirit.
I met Friederich two summers ago. He was recommended by acquaintances. I needed a capable “life doctor”. I was clinging on to my life. At Rigshospitalet I was told by the doctors that they would not sell me a 6 months newspaper prescription. My normal weight was about 85 kg and I weighed over 100 kg and could not fit into any of my clothes. I gasped for air, my liver was affected, I had absolutely no energy and I was dragging myself along.
Friederich talked with me and asked me to tell a little bit about myself. All the while he was looking at me and straight through me. When I had finished telling my story he got up and asked me to provide a urine sample (organix test) and then we could meet again when he had the answer. We met and he created a plan for me in a quiet manner without any drama. I felt at ease despite my obvious complications.
We met again about 4-5 months later. At that point I was almost back to my normal weight, about 85 kg and had more color in my skin. Most importantly: I was still alive!
Later on, Friederich was honest enough to tell me that even he was not sure I would survive. But – I am the one who have written these lines.
With loving thanks and much more,
Kent Richardt, drum player and artist
At currame I have been boosting my approach to a lifestyle in balance – and because everything has been perfectly tailored to me, the results have also been according to that.
I have had various tests to support the understanding of what exactly my body needs, and through both private sessions and team courses, have I come to understand how to be able to stay focused during the journey. I appreciate their unique and especially loving outlook on the interaction between body and mind, which has indeed contributed positively to my process.
Zenia Jeanine, Singer & Blogger –
Stabiliser dit stofskifte og tab de ønskede kilo
Jeg kontaktede Chloe tilbage i august 2017 efter lange overvejelser. Jeg havde gået rundt som kronisk træt i flere år efter jeg havde født min dreng. Jeg havde sorte render under øjnene og min menstruation var blevet længere og længere. I mange år har jeg kæmpet med vægten. Jeg har haft svært ved at tabe mig og når jeg tabte mig på en kur, kunne jeg ikke holde livsstilen og endte med at tage det hele på igen.
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På nuværende tidspunkt, 7 måneder efter jeg var hos Chloe, er der røget 11 kilo. Det er simpelthen fantastisk. Den vægt har jeg ikke haft siden jeg var i mine teenageår og jeg er 40 nu.
Min menstruation er tilbage til normal.
I starten af perioden fik jeg taget en blodprøve hos min læge, som viste jeg havde for lavt stofskifte. To måneder senere var mine tal inden for normalen. Det er fedt, da jeg slet ikke vidste jeg havde for lavt stofskifte. Jeg slap for at få medicin og lægen var vildt imponeret over min udvikling og spurgte hvilken mirakelkur jeg havde været på. Tja – currame lifestile 🙂
Linda Christensen, folkeskolelærer
Hos currame har jeg fået boostet min tilgang til en livsstil i balance yderligere – og fordi alt er blevet perfekt skræddersyet til mig, har resultaterne også været derefter.
Jeg har fået foretaget diverse tests til at understøtte forståelsen af hvad netop min krop har brug for, og via både private sessioner samt holdforløb, har jeg således bedre kunnet bevare fokus undervejs. Jeg værdsætter deres unikke og ikke mindst kærlige livssyn på samspillet mellem krop og psyke, som i den grad har bidraget positivt til min process.
Zenia Jeanine, Singer & Blogger –
I had a bit of a bad house dust allergy for about two years before I was recommended to seek help from Chloe.
Before I contacted Chloe, I had several visits at my doctor and an allergy doctor. These visits were unsuccessful, I had countless allergy pills and eye drops – as it was my eyes that were the worst. I was so dependent on my allergy pills that I took them once a day.
My first consultation with Chloe was an hour long, where we had a good talk about my general comfort – it was everything from psychology to other important factors, what I put in my mouth. I was not aware of the scope of “poison”, one could put into the mouth through poor eating habits and what it had of power. I was introduced to an amino acid examination, which I should take and so we planned a consultation, where we had to review my examination.
I had gotten so much information at my first consultation, but Chloe sent me a long email containing, in a row, what we had talked about and recommendations for what to pill out of my diet. She had, through our conversation, made me feel so motivated that I started immediately.
When my results came in from the amino acid test, Chloe went through each amino acid, which I had been tested for. It was crazy to hear and Chloe had composed some amino acid powder, which matched what the test showed I needed.
I am extremely impressed with Chloe’s knowledge and my consultations have been the best experience. My first appointment was in August 2013 and as of May 2014, I completely stopped my allergy pills, but I still follow the course Chloe advices and guides – what an inspiration.
Charlotte Dinesen – Novo Nordic, as a laboratory technician in a development laboratory
Hvis du har svært ved at blive gravid, så tøv ikke med at kontakte Friederich og Chloe!
Jeg har selv været igennem et langt fertilitetsbehandlingsforløb gennem 3-4 år. Vi var igennem både inseminationer og reagensglasbehandlinger, og da der endelig to gange opstod graviditet, endte det begge gange i ufrivillig abort.
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Jeg havde inden da forsøgt mig løbende med akupunktur, body-SDS mv., uden effekt. Jeg er sikker på, at jeg ikke havde siddet her med min søn i dag uden den genopretning, min krop fik efter seancen hos Friederich.
Jeg kan varmt anbefale både Friedrich og Chloe. De er hjertevarme, imødekommende mennesker, som giver dig deres ægte interesse og vil gøre det bedste for dig. De varmeste anbefalinger herfra.
Benedikte Larsen, Client Service Manager og translatør i tysk, 44 år
If you’re having a hard time getting pregnant, then don’t hesitate to contact Friedrich and Chloe!
I’ve been through a long fertility treatment process throughout 3-4 years. We went through inseminations and test tube treatments, and when I finally got pregnant it ended with involuntary miscarriages both times.
The hormonal treatments take a toll on your body, both physically and mentally. So my body was tired with a couple of defects.
After the 10th treatment process I contacted Friedrich, whom I’d found online. His natural way with things and the opportunity to get tested specifically what my body needed sounded appealing to me. I got an Organix-test taken, which resulted in a dietary supplement treatment and a homeopathic ampul treatment. When I had taken both of those for a period of time, we started with the 11th treatment process. Now we finally had our luck with us – I’m sitting here with my beautiful boy right in front of me!
Before that I had tried with acupuncture, body-SDS etc. without any luck. I’m certain I wouldn’t be sitting here with my son today without the recovery my body got after the seance with Friedrich.
I can highly recommend both Friedrich and Chloe. They are warmhearted, accommodating people who are genuinely interested and will do their best for you. The best recommendations from here.
Benedikte Larsen, Client Service Manager and german translator, 44 years old.
Sig farvel til Allergi
Jeg havde lidt af slem husstøvmideallergi i ca. to år, før end jeg blev anbefalet at søge hjælp hos Chloe.
Før jeg kontaktede Chloe havde jeg haft flere besøg hos egen læge, samt en allergilæge. Disse besøg var uden succes, jeg havde fået utallige allergipiller og øjendråber – da det var mine øjne det gik værst ud over. Jeg var så afhængig af mine allergipiller, at jeg skulle tage dem en gang om dagen.
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Jeg er ekstremt imponeret over Chloe viden og min konsultationer har været de bedste oplevelser. Min første konsultation var i august 2013 og her i maj 2014 er jeg helt stoppet med mine allergipiller, men jeg følger selvfølgelig stadig Chloe råd og vejledninger – sikke en inspiration.
Charlotte Dinesen – Novo nordisk, som laborant i et udviklingslaboratorium!
37 years with asthma, bronchitis, allergies and steroids hormones, and the one thing that helped me was chemical adrenalin.
It all started in November 1974 with a common cold, which later became pneumonia. I did not do anything, but continued to go to work. This resulted in a terrible future for me and my wife. After 3 months I was completely finished. I was full of mucus and pus, the chest was hard, and I could not breathe. At the hospital, they could not find the correct penicillin, but succeeded in the end. The only thing that really helped was steroids, and they sent me home with 20 mg. per day, which was later reduced to 5 mg.
The pneumonia continued, and I still was not able to breathe and thought I would die. I subsequently had many hospitalizations, and I went through a penicillin treatment for my illness. Since the hospital sent me home in February 1975 with the sentence, “we cannot help you, you must learn to live with it“, I only had my medical practice to stick to. Much against the will, I was finally given the right amount of Prednisolone which I needed.
When the doctor could see that it was impossible for me to work, he wanted me to retire. What I should be grateful for was that with the age of 28 years and newly married, I could not handle to be on a pension. His judgment was, with the amount of Prednisone I would not survive 10 years.
When the established process could not cure me but only keeping me alive, I had to take responsibility. So I threw myself on the alternate processing system, which was then sparsely and the opinions of friends saying to me “you are crazy”.
It was the beginning of almost 37 years of searching and processing in the alternate world. It has kept me alive, it has made sure that I could stay at my job and keep working; it has also made sure that I could tolerate 15-20 mg of prednisone every day all these years.
Furthermore, I got to live yet more than 10 years, and next week I will be turning 65 years old, and I am feeling great while still working.
In the spring of 2010, I heard about Frederick Damore and at the first consultation Frederick could not believe that I had received so much prednisone in so many years.
He would not, of course, love to cure me with the background I have, but he would like to try. My conclusion is that he saw it as something completely unattainable if he could help me. He has helped me, and it is close to perfect.
The cornerstone of the entire process has been to build up the body’s strength to self-healing with the supplement of Frederick’s regiment and the indispensable ampoule cure. It has helped a lot, but was unable to completely eliminate the suffering and certainly not the eternal clogged nose with polyps and inflammation.
The big breakthrough came when Frederick came in connection with some organic American products to boost my energy. I started with the new products on May 12th 2011. I was able to quickly mark an improvement, but the ultimate change did not really happen, but I continued of course with the products because I believed in it.
Exactly on July 25th the entire situation changed. I felt like a brand new man, easily in the chest, had energy and appetite for everything. I have no more use for my vital Prednisone in the same way. It is absolutely fantastic, and I look forward to the next 25 years.
I am grateful that I went under Frederick Damores’ treatment. During the entire process, we had between consultations; we stayed in contact by email, as Frederick faithfully and quickly responded.
Jørgen, teacher
Få livet tilbage
Det hele startede i november 1974 med en forkølelse, der satte sig til lungebetændelse, som jeg ikke tog mig af, men fortsatte med at gå på arbejde. Det resulterede i en forfærdelig fremtid for mig og min kone.
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For i foråret 2010 hørte jeg om Friederich Damore Bruun, og ved den første konsultation ville Friederich slet ikke tro, at jeg havde fået så meget prednisolon i så mange år, men det havde jeg. Han ville selvfølgelig ikke love mig helbredelse med den baggrund, men ville gerne prøve. Min konklusion var, at han så det som noget helt uopnåeligt, hvis han kunne hjælpe mig.
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Præcis den 25. juli vendte det hele. Jeg følte mig som et helt nyt menneske, let i brystet, havde energi og lyst til det hele. Jeg har heller ikke mere behov for min livsnødvendige Prednisolon på samme måde.
Det er helt fantastisk, hvor jeg dog glæder mig til de næste 25 år. Jeg er taknemmelig for, at jeg kom under Friederich Damore Bruuns behandling.
I hele forløbet har vi indimellem konsultationerne været i forbindelse på mail, som Friederich trofast og hurtigt har svaret på.
Jørgen, Skolelærer
Få det liv og krop du drømmer om
Hos Chloe og Friederich får du en behandling, som ikke kan sammenlignes med andre alternative behandlere. Åndelighed og videnskab forenes på højeste plan.
Jeg har kendt dem og været løbende i behandling gennem de sidste 5 år og de er altid i bevægelse. En kompromisløshed og en nygerringhed der gør, at de konstant er fremme i feltet med det sidste nye og bedste alternativ. De samarbejder med bl.a. folk fra USA, Spanien, Tyskland og Danmark. Tænker udover landgrænserne og tager det bedste fra hele verden faktisk. De nærer en dyb kærlighed til menneskets sind og krop.
Med den dybeste respekt for alle mennesker og en forsikring om at hvert menneske er ekspert på sit eget liv og følelser, hjælper de dig derhen hvor du kan blomstre mest. Så du kan få, som jeg ser det, et frit liv i en fri krop. En energifyldt krop med en stærk kerne, der kan gå ind ad alle døre og møde alle udfordringer, fordi den ikke er tynget af allergier, sygdom, træthed, afhængighed af stimulanser, eller dårlige tanker omkring sit værd. Det er en stor gave at give sig selv og jeg ønsker alle måtte give sig selv det. Derfor sender jeg mine absolutte bedste anbefalinger og fra mit hjerte en dyb tak til Chloe og Friederich.
Norra Kristine Lauritzen – Skuespiller
With Chloe and Friederich you get a treatment that can not be compared with other alternative practitioners. Spirituality and science are combined at the highest level.
I have known them and been on continuous treatment over the past five years and they are always in motion. An uncompromising and curiosity, means that they are constantly a step ahead with the latest and best alternatives. They cooperate with people from United States, Spain, Germany, and Denmark.
The think beyond the borders and actually taking the best from around the world. They have a deep love for the human mind and body.
With the deepest respect for all people and an assurance that each human being is an expert in his own life and feelings, they help you to where you can bloom the most. So you can get, as I see it, a free life in a free body. An energy-filled body with a strong core that can go through the doors and meet all challenges, because it is not burdened with allergies, illness, fatigue, addiction to stimulants, or bad thoughts about its worth. It is a great gift to give yourself and I wish everyone had to give it to themselves. I am sending my absolute best recommendations and from my heart a deep thanks to Chloe and Friederich.
“I founded the introduction with Frederick March of 2011.”
“I was about to tear myself completely to pieces and did not know which leg I should stand on next morning, but I felt there had to be something wrong.”
“My faith, positivity and love in life, I have never released”
Back to Frederick: “I was on my way to Peru and did not really know if this was the right thing. I was just unhappy and had wept over some time”.
Frederick came to my home and it was as if he gave me a calmness which I needed. He listened and was very quick to tell me what kind of woman I was, and where the “loss” was. He told me what I needed around me and what I need, to build the body.
The last thing he said was “I actually have not told you something today; you have such a big smile.” I was quite high in a good mood with plenty of energy 🙂
Frederick thought it would be a good idea if we should meet again the week after, this was 4 days prior to my departure.
This meeting was just as rewarding. The most important remark he gave me was “Can’t you just let yourself go and relax? You exude as much energy just for yourself.”
It was the beginning of my journey to start loving myself, everyone, and everything. My greatest wish is that I would have worked on it over the years.
I should clearly have started some years back, however this was just fantastic and I felt that I was filled more and more every day.
Frederick has also shown me tough love, in order to get me to understand that I was not alone during my path to recovery. He was always an email, a skype call, or a phone call away, and I simply had to accept it.
The amazing thing about Frederick was that he was meeting me exactly where I was in life.
Thank you and lots of Love to you Frederick and all those who read this.
Marisha, Organisation employed
“I followed Chloe and Friederichs program with diet, nutritional supplements, amino acid powder and ampule treatment for 4 months now and it has made a big difference in my energy level, my general well-being, my mood, my sleep and my feces. I made a DNA testing, blood tests and urine tests, and then I was proposed a detailed program that I have since followed closely. So even if it costs some time and money, it is definitely worth it, and I will continue. ”
Calvin Correli, CEO, Simplero –
“Jeg har fulgt Chloe og Friederichs program med kost, kosttilskud, aminosyrepulver og ampulkur i 4 måneder nu, og det har gjort en stor forskel på mit energi-niveau, mit generelle velbefindende, mit humør, min søvn, og min afføring. Jeg fik lavet DNA-test, blodprøve, og urin-test, og fik deraf lagt et detaljeret program, som jeg har fulgt nøje siden. Så selvom det koster en del både tid og penge, så er det i dén grad det værd, og jeg fortsætter.”
Calvin Correli, CEO, Simplero –