Overeat and cravings

Why is it you have the need to overeat and cravings?

I think it’s a question you often can have and I’ll see if I can answer it here in this blog.

Overeating is basically something we choose to do when we are far away from the body and our own core. We can do it in an escape for not noticing it is true that we can do it for running from our potential, we can do it because we ignore our own needs. Basically it’s about not feeling it is right here and now. An escape. In real terms, we do it when we do not want to be who we are 100%.

Another way of looking at it

Overeating is also about a kind of imbalance in the body. An imbalance we have from our parents or through the experiences life has given us.

We are built to heal ourselves, obtain the building materials we need, to feel the balance of the body. When there is an imbalance present, it’s both a physical and mental situation (emotions, habits, thoughts).

I’ve even grown up with overeating and sooth eating during my teens. When I was in high school, I started the lifestyle I live today, where I felt very wrong and alone, different and a bit on my own. I lived in Lolland-Falster, went to Nykoebing Cathedral School, went to live on my own before others, was the only one who didn’t eat cereals, sugar, pork, potatoes, or drank alcohol.

When I was out with others, I felt wrong and lonely and I deliberately ate to be left alone.

I remember often I stopped and talked to myself; “Are you home? No, ok, what can I do to make you feel better? “. And really the answer was to eat in order not to feel the sadness and loneliness.

Often I could be in company with others where I did not feel safe nor noticed. I didn’t feel I could leave and therefore ate too many dates or other things that could give a kick.

If I was at home and lonely, I ate too often not to notice the huge hole.

Fortunately, I knew I had reached my limit and at a certain point I needed to get a grip. I wanted to go and find a solution.

And I must say that I did.

My advice is clear:

  • Deal with whatever. Take responsibility for your feelings and be ok with it. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Experience the worst and know that you will stop at some point.
  • If the time is here and you want to stop NOW! Book a session with me and/or order the amino acid test. It saved my ass. All my loneliness feelings and negative thoughts were bound in the lack of amino acid. When we have a missing here, we have it difficult to feel natural happiness. So give your body that it needs, and cry it out. See more here.
  • Glutamine is also a good thing to have in the closet. Glutamine calms the nervous system, helps the liquid to come out of the body again and builds your gut. Glutamine is a saver when to get very sweet as making you sad, drinking alcohol and to avoid too many hangovers. It transports the “shit” out again. Buy it here. (reminder to use the coupon code: currame)
  • Probiotic is also important. You have more nerve or (read emotions) in the stomach than in your head.
  • homeopathic ampoule treatment is super good to calm your nervous system. It can help you to be in the moment and get ready to look at the shadows you do not want to face in your life. Buy the cure here.
  • If you have decidedly craving for sugar, I recommend you to take Alpha Lipoic Acid. It helps the body to feel satiety, regulate blood sugar and stops craving for sugar. Buy it here. Remember use discount code: currame and save 5%.
  • It is top important that you have a stable blood sugar throughout the day. Read more here.



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