Homeopathic ampoules – guidelines


Homeopathy helps your body to fight disease and regain your healthy biological balance. Homeopathic medicine supports the regulation of your inner processes.

Instead of suppressing the symptoms, homeopathy is designed to help the body back to the biological condition.

Homeopathic medicine promotes the body’s processes of self-healing.

How to do it:

A package (1 month) contains 20 ampoules distributed in four boxes containing 5 ampoules in each, meaning 5 ampoules for a whole week. (You pause during the weekend)

You should start with the first ampoule in the box Monday (from left to right), second Tuesday, etc.. The last (no. 5) you will need to take on a Friday and it works in the body throughout the weekend. Then you begin a new pack and take the føste ampoule (from left to right) starting with Monday.

If you for example receive the ampoules on a wednesday, you just start with the third in the pack and take the last one on friday and starts up again Monday 🙂

To open an ampoule:

It is not difficult to open an ampoule, it’s all about practice and not to be afraid of being cut. (We never cut ourselves :)) If you are afraid, you can use a towel, put it between the ampoule and your fingers.

When you open an ampoule, you must have the dot that is on top of the ampoule, facing away from you. Then grab the ampoule with your index finger and thumb, where the nail on the thumb is put in the notch in the cartridge (there is a small notch in the cartridge, which makes it possible to break it).

You place your other hand around the other part of the ampoule and break the head of (facing toward you).

When it is open throw the head out, put your lips around the ampoule and put your head back, so ampoule head is upside down and then suck the content into your mouth (it tastes of lightly salted water)

After emptying the ampoule, you throw out the glass out and keep the liquid in the mouth for 1-2 min. This is so the liquid can be absorbed in your mucous.

Before and after:

You may prefer not eating or brush your teeth just before or after you take an ampoule. The liquid is intended to be absorbed in the membranes and it might be difficult to do so, if you haven’t brushed your teeth before the ampoule.

Please allow 10-15 minutes before and after capturing an ampoule before eating, drinking or brushing your teeth.

Time of day: It is best to take the ampoule before 16.00 on the day, since the ampoules give you energy therefore it is best to take the ampoules earlier in the day.  It is therefore best to take the ampoules earlier during the day, so you can benefit from it. We like to take ours in the morning.

Remember that the ampoule treatment is yours and personal therefore it may not be shared with others. 


When you are on a homeopathic ampoule treatment your organs, endocrine, nerve system will undergo a cleans and boosted. Therefore your taste palate is boosted and your smell changes. You can sweat more, be more tired, releasing of liquids, shed burdens of old tears and become more free in mind and body as well as having issues with the bowel movement, etc.


You can easily take the ampoules with you out for travelling. It won’t be a problem as long as they are wrapped 🙂


The only requirement is that they do not stand in direct sunlight 🙂

If you have questions, you are more than welcome to write to us at: info@currame.com